Saturday, 30 May 2015

Solar info

The "Introduction to Solar Cooking", and all the recipes, will be posted at the top of this blog under various headings:

Introduction to Solar Cooking
Solar Egg Recipes
Solar Soup Recipes
Solar Bread, Biscuits & Cake Recipes
Solar Vegetale & Vegetarian Recipes
Solar Chicken Recipes
Solar Meat Recipes
Solar Dessert Recipes


  1. Dani, I'm so glad to see you starting this blog. I'm adding a link in my sidebar!

    1. Thanks Leigh :) Initially, it will be a place where I am going to transcribe all my "old" solar recipes to anyone who would like to use them. But, I also intend adding new recipes next summer... :)


If you have found my recipes helpful - please - could I ask you to leave a comment. I appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment, and will always reply.